IUSR’s Unnamed Seraph Reloaded

August 12, 2006

Being a Chinese

Filed under: Uncategorized — iusr @ 1:49 pm
不知道该说啥好。本想说一下Google Browser Sync不再available,不过既然已经通过tor给更新了一下,也就懒得提什么了,只是隐约觉得有点儿苦涩,很久以来GBS就无法更新,一直就以为只是网络之类的小问题,工作又很忙活,就没细究。前几天好奇心起,直接打开GBS的xpi下载URL,才发现原来已经not available in your country。无奈只好通过tor更新了下来,一来总是觉得原先这版GBS有点儿瑕疵,搞的历史记录总是没法更新好,需要不时full refresh一下,二来我爱google,希望用到G开头的软件的最新版。
server version 17.12 (lugdunum)
Note to chinese users of this server.
It seems most chinese people use a modified eMule that abuse servers.
Unfortunatly we cannot tell what is the name of this mod.
This *buggy* version sends automatic searches, over and over and servers suffer a LOT
Please use standard emule program 0.47a, or we will be forced to deny access
to this server for *all* chinese people. That would be bad 😦
Thank you
Note : eMule 0.47a is here : http://www.emule-project.net/download
Note : If you already use a standard 0.47a eMule, or a mod based on 0.47a,
please ignore this message. Have Fun
Update: 今天再连上DS1,发现了中文翻译版本:
server version 17.12 (lugdunum)
Note to chinese users of this server.
It seems many chinese people use a modified eMule that abuse servers.
Unfortunatly we cannot tell what is the name of this mod.
This *buggy* version sends automatic searches, over and over and servers suffer a LOT
Please use standard emule program 0.47a, or we will be forced to deny access
to this server for *all* chinese people. That would be bad 😦
Thank you
Note : eMule 0.47a is here : http://www.emule-project.net/download
Note : If you already use a standard 0.47a eMule, or a mod based on 0.47a,
please ignore this message. Have Fun

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